Friday, January 10, 2014

Oops, I Hung Up

The holidays are crazy busy at the wine store.  It never fails though that people call and want to shop over the phone.  They want recommendations over the phone.  I usually try to ask them to just come in so we can help them then.  During this phone conversation, I could be helping 10 other people.

Customer: "I want a Napa or Sonoma Caberent Sauvignon for under $10."

Me: "Why don't you come in and we'll be happy to assist you in the store."

Customer: "No, I'm sending my husband and I want the wine to be ready for him."

Me: Sigh. We do not have any geographic specific for under $10 so I try to sell her other things. 
"We have Carnivore."

Customer: "I don't like the name."

Me: "We have Avalon."

Customer: "No."

Me: "We have Hayes Ranch."

Customer: "What else do you have?"

Me: "Can you hold please?"

Customer: "Sure."

I assist other people and 10 minutes later I see that the call is still on hold.  The store is rockin' with customers and I accidentally, oops, lost the call.  Darn.

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